Data Rollovers can be managed for Individual Packages using the Edit Data Products feature. If you would rather manage rollover settings on a Customer level, please refer to this blog instead: ICASA: Setting up Data Rollover using Customer Categories.

NOTE: If both the Data Product and Customer Category Roll over settings are enabled, the data product rollover settings will take precedence. (Wisps are encouraged to only use the rollover settings on individual products)

Any data (monthly and /or top-ups) which is rolled over from this setting will appear as an auto rolled over top-up on the customer profile:

Step 1: Navigate to Data Products

  • Navigate to the Data menu -> Data products

Step 2: Edit Data Products and Enable Rollover Settings

  • Edit a product
  • Navigate to the Data Rollover Tab

  • On the Data Rollover Tab enable the rollover settings and configure them. The following options are available:
    • Auto-Rollover Unused Monthly Data -> When enabled all unused monthly data will be added to the next month’s data balance.
    • Monthly Data Rollover Expiry -> Monthly data will only be rolled over for the number of months specified above before expiring.
    • Auto-Rollover Unused Topups -> When enabled all unused top-up data will be added to the next month’s data balance.
    • Topup Data Rollover Expiry -> Top-up data will only be rolled over for the number of months specified above before expiring.

NOTE: These settings will also apply to customers who currently have that product assigned to their accounts.

Categories: News