Device Management

Device Management

Manage mikrotik & ubiquiti devices. Track connections, usage & performance statistics like CCQ, signal strength, downtime, etc. Auto generate network and geographical maps of highsites and interconnected links

Recurring billing

Recurring Billing

The optional SageOne financial interface integrates recurring billing directly into DataTill, whilst pushing financial information into SageOne for realtime financial reporting & auditing

Integrated Helpdesk

Integrated Helpdesk

Keep track of all issues, whether it be customer or highsite related, in one central place. Link events to tickets to customers to highsites, everything in one central place


  • Manage Bandwidth products & usage
  • Manage and sell WiFi Hotspot products, promotions & usage
  • Manage and sell Self-Service Products via prepaid data packages
  • Manage hosting products & usage – Not currently available
  • Manage and track assets
  • End-user self service & admin management
  • View network & financial performance Dashboards
  • Customer Self-Service
    • View statements, perform topups, change packages
  • Optional Billing Engine
    • Generates Invoices & Statements, export debit batches to Sage Pay
  • Management Dashboard
    • Usage, Alerts, Performance
  • Comprehensive Notification Engine
    • Email & SMS Notifications to one, select or all customers
  • Monitor weather stations, hotspot usage, power utilization and more

Integration with Standard ISP Tools

  • Mikrotik routerOS
    • Read NAS & PPPoE session stats, disconnect users
    • Collect IP, OSPF, Hotspot & Radius info
    • Back router config & create export scripts
  • Freeradius
    • Manage packages & users, auto topups, auto package changes, read usage stats
    • Auto disconnect on data & time limits, expiry date, suspension
    • Auto switch capped user accounts to different packages
    • Introducing time range based accounts that are only active during certain times of the day
    • Introducing sub-accounts. Sharing one data subscription amongst multiple logins
  • RadiusManager
    • Import packages, users& vouchers
  • Netflow
    • Process netflow trafficl logs for detailed data usage usage reports
  • Vantage Pro
    • Log and summarise weather station data
  • Victron
    • Log, monitor and summarise battery usage and solar charge via a customized Raspberry Pi
  • Micro Instruments
    • Log, monitor and summarise battery usage and remotely trigger highsite relays
    • Our preferred device monitoring device is the NPM R10 SNMP

All Features

The Base system is required to operate the system and includes the following features:

  • Customer notifications (usage triggers, etc) delivered via Email & SMS.
  • Customer self-service (change package, add data top-ups, etc) via the web app.
  • Customer detailed data & phone usage screens, with graphs & sortable logs.
  • Customisable system branding (company logo & name).
  • Fully customisable administrator permissions, allowing read & write access per individual admin function.
  • Fully customisable administrator notifications, allowing admin users to define the type of system alerts they receive.
  • Administrators can see all customer details on one screen, including data packages, installed equipment, notes, notification settings, etc.
  • Administrators can see a snapshot overview of all data or phone usage at a daily or monthly level.
  • Create and link sub-accounts to master accounts.

The device monitoring module is used to log usage from a variety of devices, including the following:

  • Client wireless radio stats (ccq, latency, signal strength, etc) are logged and summarised. Compatible with Mikrotik & Ubiquity.
  • Weather station data is logged and summarised. Compatible with weewx devices like Vantage Pro.
  • Asterisk extension latency is logged and realtime extension activity is displayed.
  • Hotspot usage are logged and summarised. Usage summaries is split by voucher and free trial
  • Automated Speed tests are performed and results are graphed for all mikrotik routers on the network. Speedtest to key external speedtest servers are also automated and logged
  • Power is monitored on AC and solar sites, with detailed graphs and power outage notifications
  • Automatically detect mikrotik config changes and show these in an easy side by side comparison
  • Automatically backup milrotik routers and store these backups within the system
  • Capture mikrotik syslog events and auto configure routers to post these events
  • Monitor mikrotik and ubiquiti wireless client connections, and show sector and client signal performance

Datatill is designed to work with either FreeRadius or RadiusManager.

FreeRadius integration is definitely the preferred way to go, as this allows Datatill to fully control the FreeRadius setup.

If RadiusManager is used then usage data can be read, but all package changes and radius accounts needs to be maintained in RadiusManager itself.

The following features are available from within Datatill when FreeRadius is used to manage radius authentication:

  • Import existing user accounts from freeradius
  • Record hourly, daily and monthly usage information per radius account.
  • Create and manage NAS lists.
  • Create and manage data packages, using any combination of time duration, time of day, data limit and speed limit.
  • Create and manage user accounts and assign data packages to users.
  • Create multiple sub-accounts so a user can track data usage individually across numerous devices on his network, whilst all share a single data package.
  • Multiple user accounts can be linked to and managed by a single customer.
  • Auto switch user packages once a user is capped. Capped accounts can be moved to a throttled package automatically.
  • Auto or manually topup user accounts based on their own preferences.
  • Customers can purchase topups and self service data packages online.
  • Customers can view their data usage, perform account changes (upgrades / downgrades) and topups themselves (self service).
  • Customers can view data usage graphs, comparing their daily and monthly usage statistics
  • Administrators can view detailed stats on any active session, disconnect sessions, and can filter sessions by NAS, Customer, etc
  • Transfer data between customers who are on the same network.  This is only applicable to customers who are on capped packages.

When RadiusManager is used the following radius features will be available:

  • Record hourly, daily and monthly usage information per radius account.
  • Customers can view their radius account usage.
  • Customers can request topups and package changes form the website or mobile app, but these needs to applied manually within RadiusMananger by the support staff.

The hotspot module includes the following functionality:

  • Manage mikrotik hotspots (landing page, artwork, sponsorship, free trial info, promotions, etc).
  • Centrally manage and deploy walled garden host and server entries
  • Manage and track promotions across select hotspots.
  • Remotely deploy hotspot landing page changes.
  • Generate and manage prepaid voucher batches.
  • Sell vouchers online at hotspots, on the website and in the mobile app, via various payment gateways (PayPal, PayFast & SagePay).
  • Administrators can view detailed hotspot usage statistics.
  • Administrators can view voucher usage statistics.

The network tools module is used to gather information from the connected network devices and to automate some repetitive tasks..

The network tools module contains the following features:

  • Scan Mikrotik routers to collect the following information
    • Assigned IP Addresses
    • OSPF Instances
    • OSPF Networks
    • OSPF Interfaces
    • PPP Profiles
    • Hotspot Profiles
    • Radius Server Profiles
    • Neighbour Devices

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  • Clear local hotspot user sessions and cookies
  • Backup router config and create export scripts

Squid and Netflow logs are processed to create detailed data usage logs & summaries by various categories.

  • Squid logs are used to track web browsing history.
  • Netflow is used to capture all non browser traffic summaries.
  • Combined log entries are processed and each destination ip and domain are matched to specific categories.
  • Detailed and summarised usage logs are accessible by the Customers as sortable logs and graphs.
  • Administrators can see detailed data usage by category, customer, user or device.

The billing module is designed to allow an ISP to calculate all the costs incurred by customers when using voip and data services.

  • All amounts can be inclusive or exclusive of VAT.
  • Currency symbol can be customised.
  • Data costs can be calculated as fixed, fixed with topups or via packages and topups.
  • Discounts can be applied once off as credit notes or recurring at customer, user or package level.
  • Costs are calculated in realtime.
  • Package changes during the month will result in pro-rata costs being assigned.
  • System generates invoices and customer statements.
  • Customers can view invoices and statements via the website and the mobile app.
  • Customers can be assigned to billing groups.
  • Billing totals can be exported to CSV & Excel.
  • Realtime integration with SageOne for invoice generation.
  • Bank reconciliation can be done against open invoices.
  • Have the option to bill either the master account or each sub-account individually.

The asset tracking module is designed to allow administrators to keep track of all the equipment used in providing a service.

  • Track details (original invoice, warranty, supplier, etc) of all equipment installed at client sites.
  • Installers can add detailed notes and pictures of installation details to the asset records.
  • Administrators can quickly track equipment and see its complete history.

The helpdesk module is designed to manage support tickets raised by customers and support staff.

  • Customers can raise support tickets via email, the website and the mobile app.
  • Customers can see the progress of their support tickets via the website and the mobile app.
  • Support staff can view, assign, manage, follow and escalate support tickets.
  • Support staff can view detailed connectivity details like radio signal strength, link activity, etc.
  • Administrators can view ticket performance and statistics (time to close, summary by issue type, etc).
  • Helpdesk escalations can be set up according to ticket priority, escalation rules and escalation times.  Escalations can also be set up on mailboxes.

Capture sales leads via inbound mails, contact forms or directly, and process via a workflow all the way through to job cards and invoicing.

  • Customers can submit a sales request from an online application form.
  • Customers can submit a sales request from an email.
  • Customers can submit a sales request via another website.
  • Sales staff can submit a lead manually.
  • Sales staff can create and send quotes.
  • Customers can accept quotes an approve details via an online form.
  • Operational staff can complete a site survey with checklists.
  • Operational staff can manage job cards and installation schedules.
  • Customer profile changes can be accepted or rejected in the workflow.
  • Quality checklists can be completed.
  • Invoices can get generated from job cards.
  • Pro rata gets calculated on invoices generated from job cards from the scheduled installation date.

Customers can now easily manage their account from the customer mobile app.  This app will allow customers and admin users to:

  • Switch between multiple accounts.
  • View their usage and request top-ups.
  • View any messages from the ISP i.e. outages or overdue account message.
  • Create, view and respond to helpdesk tickets.
  • View and download invoices and credit notes.
  • Update your account and payment details.
  • Manage your logins.
  • Perform speed tests which will be linked to their customer profile.

With the refer a friend module, you can enable your customers to receive credit when referring a friend to your ISP.  The refer a friend module will:

  • Allow your ISP to create a specials for potential customers.
  • Allow customers to refer a friend when they give a 5-star rating or when clicking on the refer a friend button.
  • Allocate credit to a customer who refers a friend – only if the installation is successful.
  • Allocate credit to the referred customer for signing up with your ISP – only if the installation is successful.

The reseller module will enable you to have better control over your resellers and their customers as well as for resellers to have their better control over their customers.  This module will allow you to:

  • Mark a customer as a reseller.
  • Determine what the reseller should be able to view i.e. commissions or manage own customers.
  • Determine whether the reseller works on a once-off of monthly commission structure.
  • Determine the VAT allocation.
  • Determine commission percentage or set price for products.
  • View unpaid commission reports for resellers and mark commission transactions as paid.  Commission transactions will only appear on the unpaid commission report once the customer has paid the relevant invoice.
  • If enabled, resellers will be able to manage their customers from their portal.  This will enable them to view and update their account and payment information, view and send invoices and statements, view their usage and helpdesk tickets as well as in which workflow section the lead is.

The suspensions module will allow you to exercise better control over your debtors.  This module will enable you to:

  • Set up suspensions settings in a global fashion, per customer group or even for each individual customer.
  • Suspension settings can be disabled for any customer groups or individual customers to ensure that they do not ever get suspended.
  • View a list of customers who are overdue, have received their first notification, second notification, who is suspended or whose suspensions has been paused.
  • All suspensions need to be approved by the ISP to start the suspension process.
  • After the suspension has been approved, the customer will receive their first notification and the suspension process will follow according to either the global suspension settings, the group settings or the individual customer suspension settings.
  • The ISP can determine for how long the pause suspension should be active.
  • After making payment, a customer’s suspension can be reset (during any stage of the process) to ensure that they are not suspended.

The cancellations module will allow for the ISP to have better control over customers who want to cancel as well as allow them to rescue cancelling customers.

  • The ISP will add the cancellation date and approve the cancellation.
  • The customer will also need to approve the cancellation, give a reason for cancelling and then say whether they want the ISP to contact them or not.
  • In the case of irate customers, the general manager will be able to override the cancellation.
  • You are able to cancel the whole customer profile or to cancel specific radius accounts.  Both these will need to be approved by the ISP and the customer.
  • If you convince a customer not to cancel, you can click on the rescue button.  This will allow you to keep track of which admin member rescued the customer from cancelling as well as what they did to ensure that the customer doesn’t cancel.
  • View reports to see churn stats as well as a report for all that have been rescued from cancellation.