Device Monitoring

A device monitoring setup is a system that tracks the performance and status of devices on a network. It includes tools for collecting data from devices, a central system for processing and displaying this data, and alerts to notify administrators of any issues. This setup helps ensure that devices work properly, detect problems early, and maintain overall system health.

Device Monitoring Video:

To find device monitoring setup navigate to Devices > Device monitoring setup.

Device Monitoring Setup Fields

Monitor Phone Handsets

  • When turned on all active sip extensions will be polled.
    (To temporarily disable polling pause the relevant cron job)

Monitor Mikrotik Devices

  • When turned on registered Mikrotik devices will be polled.
    (To temporarily disable polling pause the relevant cron job)

Fetch Mikrotik IP Accounting

  • When turned on IP accounting info will be fetched from every Mikrotik device where this is enabled and will be used to calculate usage for user accounts where the IP accounting option is enabled.
    (To temporarily disable the fetching of IP Accounting info, pause the relevant cron job)

Monitor Mikrotik Configs

  • When turned on every Mikrotik device’s config will be exported and periodically compared to the previous version, highlighting changes.
    (To temporarily disable polling pause the relevant cron job)

Monitor Ubiquiti Devices

  • When turned on registered ubiquiti devices will be polled.
    (To temporarily disable polling pause the relevant cron job)

Monitor Ubiquiti Configs

  • When turned on every ubiquiti device’s config will be exported and periodically compared to the previous version, highlighting changes.
    (To temporarily disable polling pause the relevant cron job)

Monitor Unifi Controllers

  • When turned on registered unifi controllers will be polled.
    (To temporarily disable polling pause the relevant cron job)

Concurrent Apache Background Processes

  • Number of concurrent Apache background processes.

Concurrent Perl only Background Processes

  • Number of concurrent Perl only background processes.

Monitor Wireless Client Radios

  • When turned on all active wireless client radios will be polled.
    This can take a long time for lots of users.
    (To temporarily disable polling pause the relevant cron job).

Poll Power Monitor Devices

  • When turned on all DataTill registered Power Monitors will be polled, and data summarized.
    (To temporarily disable polling pause the relevant cron job)

Device change Notifications

Alert on Detected Device Interface Changes

  • When turned on email notifications will be sent to all admin users subscribed to the ‘Network Devices Interface Changes’ notifications.

Alert on Detected Device Changes

  • When turned on email notifications will be sent to all admin users subscribed to the ‘Network Devices Interface Changes’ notifications

Alert on Frequency Changes

  • If enabled this function will alert, you of any Frequency changes.

Alert on Device Reboots

  • If enabled this function will alert, you on any the device reboots that happened.

Alert on Device Firmware Changes

  • If enabled this function will alert, you on any firmware changes.

Alert on Device TX Power Changes

  • If enabled this function will alert, you on any device TX power changes.

Mikrotik settings

Default Mikrotik API username

  • Default Mikrotik API username to use when connecting tho Mikrotik devices.
    (Remember to enable API access on each router and to ensure the api local user account exists)

Default Mikrotik API password

  • Default Mikrotik API password to use when connecting to Mikrotik devices.

Enable Neighbour scanning on all interfaces.

  • When turned on all neighbour scanning will be enabled on all interfaces on the Mikrotik routers.
    If disabled only Neighbour’s on the active interfaces will be detected.

IP Address for FTP Access

  • The ftp service will be enabled on all Mikrotik routers and ftp will be allowed from this IP in order for DataTill to retrieve backups from the routers.

Syslog Settings

Enable Syslog Service

  • If enabled DataTill will listen for Syslog entries from the various devices.

System Speed test Settings

Allow Customer Speed tests.

  • When turned on customers will be able to perform speed tests from within their customer portal.

Allow Public Speed tests.

  • When turned on anyone will be able to perform a speed test by going to /speedtest.
    Note that users using the mobile app will always be able to perform speedtests form within the app.

Power Monitor

rigger Power Failure Events

  • When turned on power fail and resume notification events will be triggered and sent to users where the notification is enabled.
    Power outage and minimum voltage alters can be configured individually per power monitor.

Voltage Alert Level

  • Voltage at which to issue a critical power alert, based on a 12V system. Default is 11.5V.

Voltage Recovery Level

  • Voltage at which to issue a power recovery alert, based on a 12V system. Default is 12V.

LibreNMS Monitoring

LibreNMS API enabled.

  • When enabled new network devices will be auto added to LibreNMS.

Note when changing settings don’t forget to click on update at the bottom of the page.

Device Downtime Summary

This monitors all devices added in DataTill, and reports on these.
If the device or power monitor is not added to DataTill, it will not appear in the list, there is two formats in which it can be presented, Normal format or Text format.

Normal Format

Navigate to Devices –> Downtime Summary –> Normal Format

Text Format

Navigate to Devices –> Downtime Summary –> Text Format

Copied and Pasted into Whatsapp:

Include Network Devices and Power Monitors in the “Device Downtime Summary”:

Every device and power monitor also now has a switch on the edit screen allowing you to exclude or include it from the monitoring page, should you wish to do so.

Make sure “Include in Monitoring” is enabled on power monitors.

Make sure “Include in Monitoring” is enabled on network devices.

Power Monitoring Fields

Device IP AdressIn this field you will add the device IP Adress.

Device Description – In this field you will add the device description.

 Device LocationIn this field you can filter through and select the specific address you’re looking for.

 Power Monitor DeviceIn this field you choose the power monitor device, there is two power monitor devices which is: Rasberry Pi and Micro Instruments.

 Device Login UsernameIn this field you will add your Login username.

 Device Login PasswordIn this field you will add your Password.

 Solar Site (ON/OFF)

 Generate Power Outage Alerts (ON/OFF)

 Generate Low Voltage Alerts (ON/OFF)

 Include in Outage Reports (ON/OFF)

 Normal VoltageIn this field you can filter through different Voltages and select the one you need.

 Thermal Printer Attached (ON/OFF)This is used for printing hotspot vouchers.

 Voucher Printer TitleIn this field you can add the Voucher Printer Title, this is not a compulsory field.

 Weather Station Title – In this field you can add the Weather Station Title, this is not a compulsory field.

 Power Monitoring Status
Power monitoring is the process of measuring and analyzing the power usage and quality of devices and systems. It gives a full overview of the status of the device like Voltage, Amps, Charge etc. You can also filter through your devices and choose the device that you want to see.

To get here please navigate to Devices > Power Monitoring > Power status.

Sites Discharging

Here you can see a list of devices discharging and since when they have been discharging.

To get here please navigate to Devices > Power Monitoring > Sites Discharging

Weather Status

The weather station gives you a full summary of the weather status like Current conditions, Outside temperature, Rainfall, Humidity, Windspeed etc.

To get here navigate to Devices > Power Monitoring > Weather status.