API Calls Error Messages
Object(s) | Error message | Description |
Any | “invalid_parameters”, “$mandatory_field parameter is required” | A mandatory field is missing in the request. |
Any | “invalid_user”,”Invalid user id link to this access token” | Admin user and token mismatch. |
Any | ‘User not found’ | The data user you were trying to display or update could not be found. |
Any | “insufficient_permissions”, “The user associated with this access token has insufficient permissions to perform this action” | The access token used is linked to an admin user on the system. The admin user does not have the necessary permission to perform this action. |
Any | “invalid_parameters”, “invalid customer_id parameter supplied” | Invalid customer id. |
Any | “invalid_parameters”, “The redirect url is invalid” | On trying to authenticate with the token, the redirect url is found to be invalid. |
Any | “invalid_parameters”, “filter_type parameter contains an invalid value” | The filter value provided is invalid. |
Any | “invalid_parameters”, “max_number parameter contains an invalid value” | The number provided is out of bounds. |
Customers | “invalid_parameters”, “The account_code filter value supplied is invalid” | The customer account code provided in the filter value is invalid. |
Notifications | “invalid_parameters”, “notification $notification_id not found” | On updating customer notifications, |
Usage | “invalid_parameters”, “The period value cannot be in the future” | The date range/ date period provided is in the future. |
Usage | “invalid_parameters”, “The period value supplied is invalid” | The date range/ date period provided is invalid. |
Usage | “no_data_found”, “No usage info found for this hotspot voucher” | On getting usage info for a data user, no usage was found for the provided hotspot voucher. |
Usage | “no_data_found”,”No usage info found for this radius user” | On getting usage info for a data user, no usage was found for the provided radius user. |
Top-ups | “invalid_parameters”, “The topup_size supplied is invalid” | The topup size requested has an out of bounds value. The topup size bounds is between 0 and 1000. |
Top-ups | “invalid_parameters”, “The topup_cost_per_gb supplied is invalid” | The cost per GB provided for the topup is invalid. |
Top-ups | “invalid_parameters”, “The topup_cost supplied is invalid” | The topup cost value is not a number or invalid. |
Top-ups | “invalid_parameters”, “The topup_discount supplied is invalid” | The topup discount value is not a number or invalid. |
Top-ups | “invalid_parameters”, “The topup_id supplied is invalid” | The topup id value is invalid. |
Top-ups | “invalid_parameters”, “The topup size supplied does not match the pre-defined size of the topup_id supplied” | The topup size supplied does not match the pre-defined size of the topup id supplied. |
Top-ups | “invalid_parameters”, “A valid topup_id must be supplied for this radius user” | A valid topup id must be supplied for this radius user. |
Top-ups | “invalid_parameters”, “Api user does not have permission to add a discount to the topup” | Api user does not have permission to add a discount to the topup. |
Top-ups | “invalid_parameters”, “Api user does not have permission to override the topup cost” | Api user does not have permission to override the topup cost. |
Top-ups | “invalid_parameters”, “User does not have permission to perform complimentary topup” | If topup cost = 0.00; Api user does not have permission to perform complimentary topup. |
Top-ups | invalid_parameters”, “topup_description required for complimentary topups” | If topup cost = 0.00; A topup description is required for complimentary topups. |
Top-ups | “invalid_parameters”, “User does not have permission to perform topups on LTE accounts via the mobile app” | Admin user does not have permission to perform topups on LTE accounts via the mobile app. |
Top-ups | “invalid_parameters”, “End User topups not enabled” | Topups not enabled for customers. |
Top-ups | “invalid_parameters”, “Uncapped account, topup not possible” | Topup is not possible on uncapped account. |
Top-ups | “invalid_parameters”, “The auto_topup_increment size supplied is invalid” | If the auto topup increment is not between 0 and 1000; The auto_topup_increment size supplied is invalid. |
Top-ups | “invalid_parameters”, “The auto_topup_limit size supplied is invalid” | If the auto topup limit is not between 0 and 1000; The auto topup limit size supplied is invalid. |
Top-ups | “invalid_parameters”, “The username supplied is invalid” | The data account username supplied is invalid. |
Top-ups | “invalid_parameters”, “End User auto topups not enabled” | End User auto topups not enabled. |
Top-ups | “invalid_parameters”, “Uncapped account, auto topup is not possible” | Uncapped data account, auto topup is not possible. |
Helpdesk Tickets | “invalid_parameters”, “The ticket_id filter value supplied is invalid” | The ticket id filter value supplied is invalid. |
Helpdesk Tickets | “invalid_parameters”, “The short_code filter value supplied is invalid” | The short code filter value supplied for the ticket is invalid. |
Helpdesk Tickets | “invalid_parameters”, “no file attached” | On submitting an attachment to a helpdesk ticket note; No file attached/ file not found. |
Helpdesk Tickets | “invalid_parameters”, “reason_id parameter is required” | If the reason field is set to mandatory on the help desk setup, a reason field value must be supplied on assigning a ticket. |
Helpdesk Tickets | “invalid_parameters”, “This ticket is closed and cannot be re-assigned” | This ticket is closed and cannot be re-assigned. |
Helpdesk Tickets | “invalid_parameters”, “The assigned_id value supplied is invalid for this department” | The admin user you are trying to assign the ticket to is not in the help desk department specified. |
Helpdesk Tickets | “invalid_parameters”, “Error re-assigning this ticket” | There was an error re-assigning the ticket. |
Helpdesk Tickets | “invalid_parameters”, “The on_hold_till value cannot be in the past” | The date value till when a ticket should be on hold for cannot be in the past. |
Helpdesk Tickets | “invalid_parameters”, “The on_hold_till value supplied is invalid” | The date value till when a ticket should be on hold for should be a valid date format. ‘Y-m-d’ |
Helpdesk Tickets | “invalid_parameters”, “This ticket is closed and cannot be followed” | An admin user can only follow open tickets. |
Helpdesk Tickets | “invalid_parameters”, “This ticket is already closed” | On trying to close a ticket that is already closed. |
Hotspot Prepaid Products | “invalid_parameters”, “The hotspot_id filter value supplied is invalid” | The hotspot id filter value supplied is invalid. |
Hotspot Prepaid Products | “invalid_parameters”, “The username supplied is not a prepaid data account” | The username supplied is not a prepaid data account. |
Hotspot Prepaid Products | “invalid_parameters”, “The bundle_discount supplied is invalid” | The bundle discount is not a value from 0 to 100. |
Hotspot Prepaid Products | “invalid_parameters”, “The product_id supplied is invalid” | The product id supplied for the data account is invalid. |
Hotspot Prepaid Products | “invalid_parameters”, “The product_id supplied is disabled” | The product id supplied for the data account is disabled |
Hotspot Prepaid Products | “invalid_parameters”, “Api user does not have permission to add a discount to the prepaid bundle” | Api user does not have permission to add a discount to the prepaid bundle. |