Diagnosing offline devices and Radius users

This guide covers how to see which radius users are offline and the other features in DataTill to help diagnose the problems.

  1. 1 – See what clients are offline.
    • Dashboard
    • Wireless Connections
    • NAS users
    • check the customer’s radius users
  2. 2 – Check the Radius attributes of the user
    • 3 – Filter NAS users by device
  3. Mail Filtered Users
  4. 4 – Check Network Devices Offline
  5. 5 – Check Wireless Signal Distribution


Note that many of the functionality you see below requires all your network devices to be loaded onto DataTill, this excludes client radios.

1 – See what clients are offline


Go to Tools->Dashboard
In the screenshot below you can see at a glance how strong winds and rain have affected the network.


Wireless Connections

Go to Devices->Wireless connections

This is all the wireless connections in the network, which includes client connections.Wireless Connectionshere is an example of a wireless connection.

wireless connection circleWireless connection View

NAS users

This is all the users that have authenticated on a router in the past, and shows when they were last seen. the table can be ordered by any of the colums, just click on the litthle down/up arrows on the colums.

NAS Users

check the customer’s radius users

customer EditGo t0 Data Usage in the Edit Customer Menu.

The image below show’s the overall usage for the customer. You can click on the menu on the left to select the indiviluar users. The Radius Attributs are listed at the bottom for debug purposes.

Customer usage

Here is the usage of one of the customers user’s.

Image title

Go to Active Data sessions in the edit customer menu.

Radius SessionImage title

3 – filter NAS users by network device.

NAS users can be filtered by Network Devie’s (Router’s)
Set the Show Rows # to All, So that you can see all the users.

Filtered NAS users

Mail Filtered Users

First Compolete the Above steps.
Click on the Black Message button. This will allow you to send a message to all the customers shown. I.e. message all the customers where a highsite is down.

Message Filtered NAS users

4 – Check Network Devices Offline

This shows internal devices configured within each router’s netwatch section.
Click on the Red Button to rescan all the devices. This process does get automatically get run in the backround, its frequency depends on the cron job settings.

Offline Netwatch DevicesScan Netwatch Devices

5 – Check Wireless signal Distribution

Go to Devices -> Wireless Signal Spread.
Here you can see the quality of all the clients connections to a device on a high site.
This makes it easy to see if your device needs to be realigned etc.